Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | January. 11. 2015 | 12:00

Beautiful shots of geysirs in Iceland

Here you can see beautiful shots of geysirs in Iceland captured by the french photographer Alban Henderyckx, which he shot while on a trip in Iceland.

All images are taken from a single RAW file and then processed in a lightroom.

Most people don´t know that they can also go golfing on an excellent and challenging 9 hole golfcourse that overlooks the geysir area, when they are in Iceland.

Challenging the course is because precision golf is required to get a good score on the Geysir golfcourse in Iceland … and then of course you´ll have to concentrate a bit harder than usual because you´ll always be tempted to watch the geysirs spout.

Here are the images captured by Alban Henderyckx CLICK HERE: