Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | February. 14. 2015 | 23:01

Check out Oliver Horovitz´s great article on Golf in Iceland in Golf Digest

Oliver Horovitz is the venerated author of the book „An American Caddie in St. Andrews”  If you haven´t already read it you should – Check it out by CLICKING HERE: 

It tells the story of an American working amongst Scottish caddies in „the craddle of Golf.”

Oliver came to Iceland in November 2013 and signed his book and read from a few chapters and on his stay here he made lots of friends in Iceland.

Oliver Horovitz á Íslandi 26. nóvember 2013, að árita bók sína „An American Caddie in St. Andrews." Mynd: Golf 1

Oliver Horovitz á Íslandi 26. nóvember 2013, að árita bók sína „An American Caddie in St. Andrews.” Mynd: Golf 1

He knew a group of Icelanders berfore coming to Iceland, since many Icelanders love the Scottish linkses and thus it was inevitable they would meet Ollie.

Oliver visited Iceland again in the summer of 2014 and took part in the Artic Open, in Akureyri, in the Northern part of Iceland.  Golf 1 had an article out about Oliver´s visit which you can see by CLICKING HERE:  (Unfortunatelly you´ll have to run it through Google translate, since it´s in Icelandic)

The Arctic Open aswell as playing in the Ness Golf Club in Reykjavík are the focal points of his great article on Icelandic Golf in the March Issue 2015 of Golf Digest.  It´s called „Under the Midnight Sun” and it´s an absolute „MUST-read”

You can read Olivers article „Under the Midnight Sun” by CLICKING HERE: