Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | January. 22. 2014 | 22:00

Guðrún Brá joins the Bulldogs at Fresno State

Gudrun Brá Björgvinsdóttir, GK (Golf Club Keilir in Hafnarfjörður Iceland)  joins the growing number of young Icelandic golfers, who play on American College Golf Teams in the U.S.

Guðrún Brá will join the Bulldogs, i.e. the women´s golf team of Fresno State University in California.

Emily Milberger Fresno State´s and the Bulldogs´coach welcomed Guðrún Brá warmly, which you can see in an article The Bulldogs´homepage, by CLICKING HERE: 

Guðrún Brá is the daughter of Björgvin Sigurbergsson, one of Iceland´s most beloved golf instructor  and Heiðrún Jóhannsdóttir. She has one brother, Helgi Snær, who also excells in golf.

Guðrún Brá is 19 years young (born March 25th 1994).   You can see an older interview Golf 1 had with Guðrún Brá by CLICKING HERE: