Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | May. 1. 2015 | 10:15

Íris Katla says good bye to Queens

Íris Katla Guðmundsdóttir, GR (Golf Club of Reykjavík Iceland) who has been studying and playing golf with The Royals, the women´s golfteam of Queen University in Charlotte, N-Carolina, is saying farewell to her team and teammates after 3 years  in the States.

In a statement she wrote the following:

It is now official that the Conference Championship was my last golf tournament as a student athlete here at Queens.

The decision was not an easy one but after taking everything into consideration and graduation being just around the corner, my heart tells me to go home.

These three years have taught me so much not only academically but physically, mentally and emotionally.

The people I have met along the way are some of the most amazing people I have ever met and the connections I’ve made will never be forgotten or lost.

Thank you to everyone who have touched my life during my stay here in Charlotte and I can’t wait to see you in the future! (the world is smaller than we think and Iceland is an amazing place to visit wink emoticon ).”