Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | January. 3. 2014 | 12:00

Kristófer Orri T-7 at the Pars Junior in Orlando

Three of the most promising young golfers of GKG (Golf Club of Kópavogur and Garðabær) in Iceland spent their Christmas vacation along with their family in Orlando and participated in the intense PARS Junior Tournament.

The tournament took place December 28.- 30. 2013 and was held at Orange County National, a resort many Icelanders are familiar with, since the Icelandic National Golf Team for serveral  years came to practice there.

GKG´s most promising were:  Bragi AðalsteinssonHlynur Bergsson and Kristófer Orri Þórðarson.

Bragi, Hlynur and Kristófer Orri. Photo: GKG
Bragi, Hlynur and Kristófer Orri. Photo: GKG

They all played well and gained important experience which will undouptedly help them in the coming season.

Kristófer Orri played three rounds in just four strokes over par, and ended up T-7, which is a fantastic result!

This is how the Icelandic participants did in the PARS Junior International:

15-18 year old boys category
7th place Kristófer Orri Þórðarson  74 74 72 = 220

31th place Hlynrur Bergsson 78 82 78 = 238

13-14 year old boys category
10 place Bragi Aðalsteinsson 80 81 85 = 246

To see the endresults of the PARS Junior International CLICK HERE: