Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | October. 5. 2014 | 06:00

Reykjavík in 1926 – No golf! – Video

This year, 2014, The Golf Club of Reykjavík celebrates its 80th birthday – since the Golf Club, the first in Iceland, was founded December 14th 1934.

Its first name was the Golf Club of Iceland, but it changed its name the following year when more Golf Clubs were founded, in 1935 the Golf Club of Akureyri in the North of Iceland.

It´s fun to see footage of how much the times have changed.

Here is an old video of Reykjavík in 1926.  It´s hard to imagine, in the abundance of golf courses we have today in Iceland, 65 the most per capita in the world,  that there were no golf courses here in 1926.

To see a video of Reykjavík 88 yrs ago in 1926 CLICK HERE: