Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | June. 13. 2018 | 02:00

The Arctic Open on June 20th-June 23rd 2018

A game of midnight golf seems an unlikely prospect to many enthusiasts and few golfers have experienced this delight. But now you have a novel opportunity to participate in an event which features round the clock golf in mid-summer at high latitudes.

The Akureyri Golf Club hosts this tournament which is known as The Arctic Open Golf Championship. It is an international event which attracts golfers from various parts of the world. Highest number of international players so far is 120 participants. We have had players from all four corners of the world which has given us a great pleasure and from the ever increasing number of enquiries, we assume the pleasure to be mutual.

Many of Iceland’s most remarkable beauty spots are located in the North where it is possible to enjoy unforgettable natural beauty in peace and quiet, having at the same time easy access to all the services that are so indispensable in a modern society. We mustn’t forget either that Eyjafjörður offers the benefit of excellent communications, in the air as well as by land and sea.

The Arctic Open is a 36 hole tournament, played under the Stableford point system over 2 days (nights), 18 holes each day. This championship tournament is open to professional and amateur golfers alike.

The Arctic Open champion will be the participant who has the lowest score with handicap but prizes will also be given for the best scratch score, best ladies score and best Seniors score (age 55+). In the event of a tied score, a sudden death will take place at the 18th hole and repeated until there is a winner. Everyone that has a handicap can play, however the maximum exact handicap for men is 24 and 28 for women.

A team tournament is run along the game. Participants will randomly be drawn into groups of four. Prizes will be given for the total three lowest scores of every group.

2018 Schedule
June 20st:
18.00 Registration
20.00 Opening reception and dinner
June 21nd:
13.00 Tee off time. All players start off at the first tee.
June 22rd:
13.00 Tee off time. All players start off at the first tee.
June 23th:
20.00 Awards presentation, dinner/closing ceremony

Registration fee / Entry fee US $589.- includes:
Opening reception.
Award Presentation Dinner.
”Golfer gift”, with the Arctic Open logo.
One practice round, to be played on Wednesday before the tournament
Due to a limited number of participants, please make your reservations as soon as possible. You can register at Saga Travel – www.sagatravel.is
People travelling from abroad will be guaranteed a tee time in the evening on the first day of the tournament.

Further information:

Akureyri Golf Club
600 Akureyri
+354 462 2974

Source: http://www.arcticopen.is/en