Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | mars. 11. 2021 | 14:00

PGA: RBC Canadian Open aflýst

Móti á PGA mótaröðinni, RBC Canadian Open, hefir verið aflýst.

Mótið átti að fara fram 7.-13. júní 2021 í St. George’s Golf & Country Club í Etobicoke, Ontario.

Ástæður þess að mótinu er aflýst er Covid-faraldurinn.

Skipuleggjendur mótsins einbeita sér nú að því að RBC Canadian Open snúi aftur á PGA Tour á næsta ári 2022.

Í fréttatilkynningu þeirra sagði m.a.:

Together with RBC and the PGA TOUR, we set a decision timeline based on the most up to date travel and quarantine restrictions in effect along with consideration for the TOUR’s ability to pivot and successfully fill a significant date on the schedule,” said Golf Canada CEO Laurence Applebaum. “It was also important to be respectful partners to the health leaders and government officials who have helped inform our operation protocols and provided great direction on this journey. The timing simply did not align for us and we are deeply disappointed that the celebrated return of the RBC Canadian Open will have to wait another year.”