Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | júlí. 26. 2019 | 20:00

Evían 2019: Lexi gagnrýnir vallaraðstæður e. að ná ekki niðurskurði

LPGA stendur fyrir tveimur risamótum viku eftir viku og það fyrra Evían Championship fer einmitt fram í þessari viku í  Évian-les-Bains, Frakklandi.

Lexi Thompson náði ekki niðurskurði eftir hringi upp á 77 72 og munaði 5 höggum að hún næði.

Hún fór á félagsmiðla og sagði vallaraðstæður slæmar sbr.:

So Evian, where do I begin,” Thompson wrote in a now-deleted Instagram post. “I’d be the first to tell you that I hit it like 💩 the first day and missed everything. Not one to make excuses, but to land 3-4 drives in the middle of fairway and end up in the rough like the one pic with a stance like that, or get a first cut lie like this one, what is this telling you? And to play well today hit one bad golf shot but hit 3 iron shots right at the pin 5 ft at one point then end up 40+ ft….umm really?

“I’m actually very thankful that I don’t have to put myself thru that for another two days. You’re a beautiful place Evian but that’s just too many bad breaks with good shots for me, so bye @evianchamp ! #justnotforme #allgood #onward

En eftir að mesta reiðin og vonbrigðin höfðu liðið hjá fór Lexi aftur á félagsmiðla, þar sem hún bakkaði með gagnrýni sína, þakkaði styrktaraðilum og óskaði þeim stúlkum til hamingju, sem eru að spila vel sbr.:

“Hi everyone, I want to clear up any confusion from my earlier post,” she wrote. “My words were only directed at my frustration of not playing well in a Major and at the unfortunate bounces we all get while playing this crazy game called golf. I didn’t mean it in a mean way at all. Obviously just hasn’t been the course for me the last few years, but some girls are playing great and I wish them the best of luck this weekend!

“I am truly so thankful for the amazing support of Evain & Rolex and all of the sponsors associated with this event and giving us the opportunity to come here. I also would like to thank all of the volunteers and fans that make this tournament possible! Evian is a beautiful place and I always enjoy spending time in this part of the world, it just wasn’t meant to be and hey that happens !🤷🏼‍♀️ I will be out at the course this weekend working on my game, so please come out and support the event and say hello!#Evian #Rolex @evianchamp

Sjá má stöðuna á Evían risamótinu með því að SMELLA HÉR: