Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | ágúst. 3. 2024 | 20:00

Golfgrín á laugardegi (4/2024)

Nokkrir gamlir á ensku:

1 Golf fact: The higher a golf players handicap, the higher the chance that he will try to tell you what you’re doing wrong.

​2 Golf balls are like eggs. They are both white, sold by the dozen, and a week later you have to go out and buy more.

​3 Golfer: I would move both heaven and earth to get a birdie today.
Caddie: Try heaven. You have moved most of the earth already today.

4 The best person to play golf with is someone who is always a little worse than you are.

​5 If your opponent can’t remember whether he shot a six or a seven on the hole, chances are he had an 8 on it.